Jörg Benjamin Frohnmayer
*01. April 1981
Publications & Presentations:
Sept 2020:
A press text was published talking about my work @Fraunhofer: «Gebäudemodellierung in virtuellen Welten»
May 2020:
Co-Autor of a publication at the CIRP Design : «Design and Application of a Digital Factory Model for Factory Restructuring»
April 2020:
Co-Autor of a publication at the 10th Conference on Learning Factories : «Requirenment Engineering for Stakeholders of Factory Conversation: LoD Visualization of a Research Factory via AR-Application»
April 2013:
I wrote some article for Remediate published by Mario Doulis, Peter Ott and released from Wilhelm Fink.
September 2010:
Autor of the Poster «The use and implementation of a Virtual Reality XMPP-client» at the jvrc:
January 2010:
Co-Autor of a publication at the GFA: «Augmented Identity - persönliche mobile Vernetzung in digitalen Umgebungen»
October 2009:
I wrote an article for the Digitale Folklore Reader published by olia lialina, dragan espenshied and released from Merz Solitude.
February 2008:
Symposium in St. Augustin: «Virtuelle Welten als Basistechnologie für Kunst und Kultur». Presentation of the integration of VR-Technology in the teachings at the Merz Akademie with Prof. Mario Doulis.
July 2007:
Co-Autor of a publication at the HCI: «Towards a Physical Based Interaction-Model for Information Visualization»
October 2005:
Publication and lecture at the CSICE, conference in Sofia: «An immersive system to support pattern detection in financial data»
January 2005:
«A Decade of Webdesign» presentation at Stadelijk Museum in Amsterdam
*01. April 1981
Publications & Presentations:
Sept 2020:
A press text was published talking about my work @Fraunhofer: «Gebäudemodellierung in virtuellen Welten»
May 2020:
Co-Autor of a publication at the CIRP Design : «Design and Application of a Digital Factory Model for Factory Restructuring»
April 2020:
Co-Autor of a publication at the 10th Conference on Learning Factories : «Requirenment Engineering for Stakeholders of Factory Conversation: LoD Visualization of a Research Factory via AR-Application»
April 2013:
I wrote some article for Remediate published by Mario Doulis, Peter Ott and released from Wilhelm Fink.
September 2010:
Autor of the Poster «The use and implementation of a Virtual Reality XMPP-client» at the jvrc:
January 2010:
Co-Autor of a publication at the GFA: «Augmented Identity - persönliche mobile Vernetzung in digitalen Umgebungen»
October 2009:
I wrote an article for the Digitale Folklore Reader published by olia lialina, dragan espenshied and released from Merz Solitude.
February 2008:
Symposium in St. Augustin: «Virtuelle Welten als Basistechnologie für Kunst und Kultur». Presentation of the integration of VR-Technology in the teachings at the Merz Akademie with Prof. Mario Doulis.
July 2007:
Co-Autor of a publication at the HCI: «Towards a Physical Based Interaction-Model for Information Visualization»
October 2005:
Publication and lecture at the CSICE, conference in Sofia: «An immersive system to support pattern detection in financial data»
January 2005:
«A Decade of Webdesign» presentation at Stadelijk Museum in Amsterdam
Workshops & Exhibitions:
Nov 2020
One week workshop on the Topic Fly like a Stork exploring with design Students of Merz Akademie the migration of animals realized in cooperation with Hemal Naik from Max Planck Institute.
Okt 2020
@Fraunhofer Solution Days we demonstrated our visualization solution for V/AR in architecture. Simultaniously we had outbreak sessions called DigitalDialog with interested profesionals showing a deeper insight into our tool @our lab.
Sept 2020
Hosting a virtual event at Fraunhofer about AR in architecture. In this event the Filmakademie showed their tool VPET and we showed our AR version of the XRvisualizer.
Jan 2020
Hosting a event at Fraunhofer about V/AR in architecture. It was the release of a generative XRvisualizer for architecture that i realized.
May 2019
One week workshop on the Topic The Grid dealing with design Students of Merz Akademie with the aesthetics of Tron and Tron Legacy.
April 2019:
Vilnius Academie of Arts invited me to give a VR workshop about 100th Aniversary of Bauhaus.
Jan 2018:
I participated at a hackathon about preticulate matter and was part of a gamification idea for motivating people to change things. In addition I made information grafics on the topic using the OK-Lab data.
May 2017:
One week workshop at Merz Akademie dealing with virtual reality storyboarding and the representation of personal data in space.
May 2017:
I visited a symposium about "industrial training in India" at Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart. For the BIBS project i participated in building a software for a virtual reality watertreatment trainer for virtual reality.
Feb 2017:
Supervisor with Sebastian Denz of Spatial Allocation shown @ 30th anniversary of transmediale, a collaboration project of Merz Akademie and design akademie berlin.
Feb 2016:
I supervised Adrian's final project called "Zwischen Raum" with Sebastian Denz at design akademie berlin.
Nov 2015:
Olia Lialina, me and our students presented gaming projects made at my Unityworkshops at playGamez festival currated from ZHdK.
Dez 2015:
Exibition of the REST process flow System developed for the Fraunhofer IAO by Roland Blach and me for the Ultra efficiency factory.
Nov 2015:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
Nov 2015:
Presentation of the possibilities in game development at Merz Akademie at the playGamez festival.
May 2015:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
2015 Januar:
I supervised Merz Akademie students contribution to i-Pole project.
October 2014:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
September 2014:
May 2014:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
March 2013:
Exhibition of NView application for the Fraunhofer IAO at the Cebit as part of Virtual City Scapes.
April 2012:
Exhibition of Virtual City Scapes demonstrator for the Fraunhofer IAO at the Hannover Messe. There was an article at the CT where some pictures of the application are shown.
October 2011:
Exhibition of an mixed media VR Information Visualization for the Fraunhofer IAO at the UrbanTec in Köln..
Juni 2011:
Exhibition of an mixed media VR Information Visualization for the Fraunhofer IAO in the E-Mobility Forum in Stuttgart.
May 2011:
Development, Research and Concept with student tutors for the mediaglobe project. The main focuse in the user interface was to enable users to see the effect a filter activation has on the amount of search results (see screencast). I additionally developed an explorative virtual reality interface that deals with 3 dimensional sound.
November 2010:
Exhibition of the panorama generator at the WKV in Stuttgart.
March 2010:
Günter Wenzel and I supervised the «talentschool» Virtual Reality workshop at the Fraunhofer Institute.
May 2008:
VR Workshop at the Merz Akademie with Roland Blach and Matthias Bues
November 2006:
Intuition, Workshop in Fellbach
May 2006:
Exhibition of the VRML-Writer in the Studentforum at the EMAF (European Media Arts Festival) in Osnabrück
February 2006:
Presentation of the collaborative project «The Moonpeace Project» with Axel Roch at the Transmediale in Berlin
February 2003:
I participated in the exhibition «First 10 Years of World Wide Web» in Stuttgart with my work Thumbconnection
Nov 2020
One week workshop on the Topic Fly like a Stork exploring with design Students of Merz Akademie the migration of animals realized in cooperation with Hemal Naik from Max Planck Institute.
Okt 2020
@Fraunhofer Solution Days we demonstrated our visualization solution for V/AR in architecture. Simultaniously we had outbreak sessions called DigitalDialog with interested profesionals showing a deeper insight into our tool @our lab.
Sept 2020
Hosting a virtual event at Fraunhofer about AR in architecture. In this event the Filmakademie showed their tool VPET and we showed our AR version of the XRvisualizer.
Jan 2020
Hosting a event at Fraunhofer about V/AR in architecture. It was the release of a generative XRvisualizer for architecture that i realized.
May 2019
One week workshop on the Topic The Grid dealing with design Students of Merz Akademie with the aesthetics of Tron and Tron Legacy.
April 2019:
Vilnius Academie of Arts invited me to give a VR workshop about 100th Aniversary of Bauhaus.
Jan 2018:
I participated at a hackathon about preticulate matter and was part of a gamification idea for motivating people to change things. In addition I made information grafics on the topic using the OK-Lab data.
May 2017:
One week workshop at Merz Akademie dealing with virtual reality storyboarding and the representation of personal data in space.
May 2017:
I visited a symposium about "industrial training in India" at Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart. For the BIBS project i participated in building a software for a virtual reality watertreatment trainer for virtual reality.
Feb 2017:
Supervisor with Sebastian Denz of Spatial Allocation shown @ 30th anniversary of transmediale, a collaboration project of Merz Akademie and design akademie berlin.
Feb 2016:
I supervised Adrian's final project called "Zwischen Raum" with Sebastian Denz at design akademie berlin.
Nov 2015:
Olia Lialina, me and our students presented gaming projects made at my Unityworkshops at playGamez festival currated from ZHdK.
Dez 2015:
Exibition of the REST process flow System developed for the Fraunhofer IAO by Roland Blach and me for the Ultra efficiency factory.
Nov 2015:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
Nov 2015:
Presentation of the possibilities in game development at Merz Akademie at the playGamez festival.
May 2015:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
2015 Januar:
I supervised Merz Akademie students contribution to i-Pole project.
October 2014:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
September 2014:
May 2014:
Unity workshop at Merz Akademie
March 2013:
Exhibition of NView application for the Fraunhofer IAO at the Cebit as part of Virtual City Scapes.
April 2012:
Exhibition of Virtual City Scapes demonstrator for the Fraunhofer IAO at the Hannover Messe. There was an article at the CT where some pictures of the application are shown.
October 2011:
Exhibition of an mixed media VR Information Visualization for the Fraunhofer IAO at the UrbanTec in Köln..
Juni 2011:
Exhibition of an mixed media VR Information Visualization for the Fraunhofer IAO in the E-Mobility Forum in Stuttgart.
May 2011:
Development, Research and Concept with student tutors for the mediaglobe project. The main focuse in the user interface was to enable users to see the effect a filter activation has on the amount of search results (see screencast). I additionally developed an explorative virtual reality interface that deals with 3 dimensional sound.
November 2010:
Exhibition of the panorama generator at the WKV in Stuttgart.
March 2010:
Günter Wenzel and I supervised the «talentschool» Virtual Reality workshop at the Fraunhofer Institute.
May 2008:
VR Workshop at the Merz Akademie with Roland Blach and Matthias Bues
November 2006:
Intuition, Workshop in Fellbach
May 2006:
Exhibition of the VRML-Writer in the Studentforum at the EMAF (European Media Arts Festival) in Osnabrück
February 2006:
Presentation of the collaborative project «The Moonpeace Project» with Axel Roch at the Transmediale in Berlin
February 2003:
I participated in the exhibition «First 10 Years of World Wide Web» in Stuttgart with my work Thumbconnection
Job & Development:
Since May 2019
I work as researcher for Fraunhofer IAO and University of Stuttgart IAT in addition to my Job at Merz Akademie.
I worked as a freelance in the field of virtual reality.
August 2009:
I assume office as academic worker and teacher for the Pathway Interface Design at the Merz Akademie.
HiWi at Fraunhofer IAO/IAT, Competence Center of Virtual Environments
Since Sep. 2006:
Assistant for New Media at the Merz Akademie in Stuttgart
July 2006:
Master of Arts in European Media with distinction at the Merz Akademie accredited from University Portsmouth
Student apprentice and afterwards HiWi at Fraunhofer IAO, Competence Center of Virtual Environments
April 2002:
Student for New Media at the Merz Akademie in Stuttgart
Until 2001:
Civilian service at the School for physically handicapped in Sindelfingen
Since May 2019
I work as researcher for Fraunhofer IAO and University of Stuttgart IAT in addition to my Job at Merz Akademie.
I worked as a freelance in the field of virtual reality.
August 2009:
I assume office as academic worker and teacher for the Pathway Interface Design at the Merz Akademie.
HiWi at Fraunhofer IAO/IAT, Competence Center of Virtual Environments
Since Sep. 2006:
Assistant for New Media at the Merz Akademie in Stuttgart
July 2006:
Master of Arts in European Media with distinction at the Merz Akademie accredited from University Portsmouth
Student apprentice and afterwards HiWi at Fraunhofer IAO, Competence Center of Virtual Environments
April 2002:
Student for New Media at the Merz Akademie in Stuttgart
Until 2001:
Civilian service at the School for physically handicapped in Sindelfingen